No one ever enters a relationship expecting it to fail (except for people who sign prenuptial agreements -- which I completely disagree with...). They meet someone special and they get butterflies. They start thinking about the future and the white picket fence and yaddah yaddah yaddah...But the fact is, sometimes it just doesn't work out.
Of course we always have the highest expectations and hopes for every relationship we're in, but sometimes what's more important than the relationship lasting is what we've LEARNED from its failure. This gives us the opportunity to do it better the next time!
I once had a girlfriend who, after making or realizing a mistake would say, "Welp, let's just put that in our little experience jar!" It was adorable. But she was completely right, everything is a learning experience, and we need to use what we've learned to make better decisions for our future.
(Yeahh, Whatchu know bout' those MS Paint skills?)
I decided to make a little list of some of the things I've learned over the course of my dating history. At some point I expect this knowledge to aid in my quest for the perfect partner, however, even if it doesn't, maybe you can find a pearl of wisdom or two here to take along with you on your journey.
1. Making comments about the way other girls look makes your girlfriend feel bad.
2. Fat jokes are never, ever funny.
3. A girl's period is a completely valid excuse for her to act like a psychopath, and all reasonable transgressions are expected to be forgiven after it's over.
4. Insecurity is disgusting. Act like you're the S*** and your partner will agree.
5. If you catch her in a lie, it's not the first time she's lied...It's just the first time you caught her.
6. Bad sex will end a relationship; be vocal and get your partner on the same page, QUICK.
7. A pretty face only lasts until she gives it up, then we need something to talk about.
8. Long distance never works.
9. Dating a girl with a kid sucks, for enough reasons to write an entire blog about.
10. Discuss deal breakers BEFORE you fall in love with someone.
11. If she cheated on/left another guy for you, expect history to repeat itself.
12. Don't expect the reciprocation of anything from a girl who thinks the world revolves around her.
13. If they can't take care of themselves, there's no way they can take care of you.
14. Facebook is a bragging platform; if your relationship isn't present anywhere on Facebook, it's either not important, not serious, or you're not proud of it.
15. The pain of a break up goes away.
Undoubtedly I've learned much more than can be delivered in a short list, but these were the ones that really seemed worthy of mention. I can only imagine how the list will grow after I get married or have children, although by that point...It's learn as you go. Marriage and/or children should be done with a LIFE-LONG commitment in mind.
Also, I've noticed that my blogs are becoming increasingly more personal, but hey, you write about what you know, right?
I wonder what I'll learn tomorrow.