What stops us from expressing our feelings? Our nasty, distasteful, nauseating PRIDE. How many times have we wanted to let someone know exactly how we felt, but our pride got in the way and the vulnerability was too much to handle...? No one likes to feel vulnerable, I mean, we have a reputation to uphold. We have to act like things don't bother us, like we don't care; we need to be HARD. Street cred with our homeboys would be shattered if they found out we had a heart, or overheard us telling someone how we really felt, right?...
WRONG, MR. KOOL-AID....So wrong. Just say it! Say what you need to say. If you still care, tell them. If you miss them, tell them. If you're sorry, say so....What's the worst that can happen? Fine, they tell all their friends and maybe you look a little foolish...Who cares? It'll blow over in a week and everyone will forget. The most important part is that you got your feelings off your chest - you took a chance. You don't have to wonder, "What if I just called....What if I just told them exactly how I felt?" Cause you did it....
It can also work in your favor! Be the first to say, "Sorry," they might say sorry back. Be the first to say, "I've missed you," they might tell you they've cried tears over you that you never even knew about... Maybe you'll win them back or resolve differences; or remind them you're not just a bad-boy with a heart of stone.
("I miss you, alright?!")
Or maybe it's time to just call your paramour and tell them exactly how you really feel, maybe you'll finally snag them! Don't be conservative with your feelings, take a chance and don't be afraid to let people know what's on your mind...
"It is better to lose your pride for someone you love rather than to lose that someone you love with your useless pride." -Unknown
-Clever Alias
1 comment:
lovely blog of advice =]. now to find the strength
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